In telecommunications and computing, bit rate (sometimes written bitrate, data rate or as a variable R) is the number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit of time.
The bit rate is quantified using the bits per second (bit\/s or bps) unit, often in conjunction with an SI prefix such as kilo- (kbit\/s or kbps), mega- (Mbit\/s or Mbps), giga- (Gbit\/s or Gbps) or tera- (Tbit\/s or Tbps). Note that, unlike many other computer-related units, 1 kbit\/s is traditionally defined as 1,000-bit\/s, not 1,024-bit\/s, etc., also before 1999 when SI prefixes were introduced for units of information in the standard IEC 60027-2.
The formal abbreviation for "bits per second" is "bit\/s" (not "bits\/s", see writing style for SI units). In less formal contexts the abbreviations "b\/s" or "bps" are often used, though this risks confusion with "bytes per second" ("B\/s", "Bps"). 1 Byte\/s (Bps or B\/s) corresponds to 8-bit\/s (bps or b\/s).
We often mention bit rate, let us refer bit rate in multimedia;
In digital multimedia, bit rate often refers to the number of bits used per unit of playback time to represent a continuous medium such as audio or video after source coding (data compression). The encoding bit rate of a multimedia file is the size of a multimedia file in bytes divided by the playback time of the recording (in seconds), multiplied by eight.
For realtime streaming multimedia, the encoding bit rate is the goodput that is required to avoid interrupt:
Encoding bit rate = Required goodput
The term average bitrate is used in case of variable bitrate multimedia source coding schemes. In this context, the peak bit rate is the maximum number of bits required for any short-term block of compressed data.
A theoretical lower bound for the encoding bit rate for lossless data compression is the source information rate, also known as the entropy rate.Entropy rate ≤ Multimedia bit rate

Audio and video glossary. 2014.

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